Using Azure Devops API (Python) to write comments on Pull Request


Haven’t been able to find a direct method for this anywhere. How can I add comments to a pull request via Azure Devops API in Python?


If you want to add comments to a pull request via the Azure DevOps API in Python, you can use the requests library to interact with the API. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you with the process:

1. Install the necessary libraries:

If you don’t have the requests library installed, you can install it using pip:

2. Generate a Personal Access Token (PAT):

You will need a PAT to authenticate your requests to the Azure DevOps API. You can generate a PAT from your Azure DevOps profile.

3. Use the Azure DevOps API to add comments to a pull request:

Below is a sample Python script that demonstrates how to add a comment to a pull request:

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json

# Define your Azure DevOps organization, project, repository, and pull request ID
organization = 'your_organization'
project = 'your_project'
repository = 'your_repository'
pull_request_id = 'your_pull_request_id'

# Personal Access Token (PAT)
personal_access_token = 'your_personal_access_token'

# URL for the pull request comments API
url = f'{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repository}/pullRequests/{pull_request_id}/threads?api-version=7.0'

# Comment content
comment_content = "This is a comment added via the Azure DevOps API."

# Payload for the API request
payload = {
    "comments": [
            "parentCommentId": 0,
            "content": comment_content,
            "commentType": 1
    "status": 1

# Headers for the API request
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

# Make the API request to add the comment
response =, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('', personal_access_token), data=json.dumps(payload))

# Check the response
if response.status_code == 201:
    print("Comment added successfully!")
    print(f"Failed to add comment. Status code: {response.status_code}")
In this script:
  • Replace your_organization, your_project, your_repository, your_pull_request_id, and your_personal_access_token with your actual Azure DevOps organization name, project name, repository name, pull request ID, and PAT.
  • The url variable constructs the API endpoint for adding comments to a specific pull request.
  • The payload variable contains the data to be sent in the request, including the comment content.

4. Run the script:

Execute the script to add the comment to the specified pull request.


This script will send a POST request to the Azure DevOps API to add a comment to the specified pull request. If the request is successful, it will print a success message; otherwise, it will print an error message with the status code and response content.

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