Coding classic

html, css, javascript, react, python


Using Azure Devops API (Python) to write comments on Pull Request

Question: Haven’t been able to find a direct method for this anywhere. How can I add comments to a pull request via Azure Devops API in Python? Answer: If you want to add comments to a pull request via the Azure DevOps API in Python, you can use the requests library to interact with the […]

How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely?

When working with Git, there may come a time when you need to delete a branch, either locally on your machine or remotely on the server. Here’s how you can achieve both. To delete a branch locally, you can use the following command: If the branch has not been fully merged, you might need to […]

How can I revert the latest local commits in Git?

If you’ve made recent commits to your local Git repository and need to undo them, there are several methods available depending on whether you want to keep your changes or completely discard them. To undo the most recent local commits in Git, you can use the following command: This command will remove the most recent […]

Navigation Menu Bar using HTML CSS and Javascript

In the vast landscape of web development, one fundamental aspect reigns supreme: navigation. A seamless navigation experience can greatly enhance user interaction and accessibility on a website. Among the myriad of tools available to achieve this, the Navigation Menu Bar stands out as a cornerstone element. In this blog, we delve into the realm of […]

How To create Modal Popup using HTML CSS and Javascript | modal tutorial

In the expansive realm of the internet and applications, you’ve likely encountered those small popup elements, haven’t you? They resemble miniature windows that appear on your screen. These popups serve various purposes, such as conveying information, requesting input, or enhancing website engagement. In this blog post, we’ll dissect the concept of modal popups, exploring their […]

How to create Dropdown Menu Animation: A Guide with HTML, CSS, and JS

Greetings, everyone! Today, we delve into the art of crafting a captivating dropdown menu animation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As we journey through the vast landscape of web development, we encounter the harmonious blend of functionality and visual allure. Among the many elements that grace this digital stage, the dropdown menu animation emerges as […]

Animated Input Field Design with css and html

This article explores creating animated CSS input fields. HTML and CSS evolve in the dynamic realm of web development, consistently providing inventive ways to enhance user experiences. Among these advancements, animated input fields emerge as a potent means to engage users and enhance usability. Through seamless integration of animations into input fields, developers can fashion […]

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