Coding classic

html, css, javascript, react, python

Learn to Code a Currency Converter: A Step-by-Step Tutorial Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Welcome to today’s tutorial, where we’ll be building a practical and useful Currency Converter using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project is perfect for coders of all levels, from beginners to enthusiasts, looking to add a valuable feature to their websites. We’ll use HTML to create the foundation, CSS to add some visual flair, and […]

Creating a Functional Weather App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript :From Scratch

Let’s create a cool weather app together! We’ll use HTML to build the app’s structure, CSS to style it nicely, and JavaScript to make it interactive. No complicated stuff, just simple coding to get accurate weather information. Building a weather app is a fantastic way to apply your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to a […]

How to Create Password Generator in HTML CSS & JavaScript

Building a Secure Password Generator with HTML CSS and JavaScript In today’s digital world, strong passwords are essential for protecting our online accounts. A password generator can help us create complex and unique passwords that are difficult to guess. In this article, we’ll learn how to build a simple yet effective password generator using HTML, […]

How to Create Custom File Upload Button in HTML CSS & JavaScript

Beyond the Default: Crafting Custom File Upload Buttons with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript The default file upload button in HTML is often bland and uninspired, failing to match the aesthetic of modern web designs. But fear not! With a little HTML, CSS, and JavaScript magic, you can transform that boring button into a visually appealing […]

From Beginner to Pro: Creating a Password Strength Meter with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Password Strength Checker using HTML CSS and JavaScript This project aims to create a simple yet effective password strength checker using HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for logic and interaction. The checker will analyze the user’s input and provide feedback on its strength, encouraging users to create secure passwords. Introduction Strong passwords […]

Build a Playable Piano from Scratch: A Guide Using HTML CSS and JavaScript

How to make Playable PIANO using HTML CSS & JavaScript How to make Playable PIANO using HTML CSS & JavaScript Introduction This guide will walk you through creating a playable piano from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll build a simple piano keyboard with keys that respond to clicks and play corresponding notes. This […]

How to Make a Responsive Music Player with Slider Using Swiper JS, HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Building a Responsive Music Player with Slider using Swiper JS This guide will walk you through creating a responsive music player with a slider feature using Swiper JS, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project combines the power of Swiper JS for smooth slider functionality with the flexibility of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a visually […]

Create Stunning Team Profiles Rotation with HTML CSS & JavaScript: Step-by-Step Guide

Team Profiles Rotation using HTML CSS and JavaScript In today’s digital world, showcasing your team is essential. But static team profiles can feel stale. A dynamic, rotating display adds visual interest and keeps your website engaging. This article will guide you through creating a smooth team profile rotation using HTML CSS and JavaScript. This HTML […]

Increment and Decrement Button Using HTML CSS and JavaScript

In web development, user interaction is key. One of the simplest yet effective ways to engage users is through interactive elements like increment and decrement buttons. These buttons allow users to easily adjust quantities, values, or settings, providing a smooth and intuitive experience. In this article, we’ll explore how to create these buttons using HTML, […]

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